Thursday, November 20, 2008

Version 1.6

Closing tag autoinsertion

If there is no closing tag specified for the current one, it will be inserted after typing '>'.


For tags and attributes completion dialog opens on Ctrl+Space.

Additional languages highlighting

JSP, CSS and Java Script are highlighted in .cfml files.

Unmatched tags

Errors on unmatched tags highlighting was changed a bit, I hope it works better now and much more common to highlighting in html files.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Features ready for today

Lexer highlighting

Lexical units as tags, attribute's names, comments, strings, numbders are highlighted.

You can tune colors in Settings/Editor/Colors & Fonts/CFML.

Brace matching

Paired braces are highlighted.

Angle brackets are structural and a line on the left bar indicates which lines are matched. Tags balance is counted and brackets are matched if belongs to similar tags.

Unmatched tags

Unmatched tags highlighted with a error lines.

Quick documentation

Documentation is provided for tags and attributes on Ctrl+q hot key.

All of this you can find here