Hello, everybody!
Great to inform you that now we are supporting testing via MXUnit, using local server! It is available in latest, 2.48 plugin version.
More info on MXUnit you may find on their official site: http://www.mxunit.org/
Creating MXUnit run configuration in IntellijIDEA is extremely easy.
Suppose, you want to test a single component, inherited from mxunit.framework.TestCase.
Add new MXUnit configuration and fill two fields:
- Web path (an URL, by which your coldfusion component is accessible),
- and File (a local path to your component, let say to your component's file)
And here you are!
You'll receive tests results in your test console. It'll show you what tests passed and what failed.
Moreover you'll have 'Jump to source' by F4 or double click option and navigating from stack trace.